The Spring Holding Group delivers online direct cremation, deathcare logistics, and memorialization solutions that completely disrupt the $29B deathcare industry.
Brands include:
Cremstar — The #1 Name in Direct Cremations Online
MemoryBox — The Nation’s Premier Memorialization Website and App
Styx Logistics — Automating Deathcare
Final Spring — Bespoke Quality Deathcare Products (urns et al)

What was once a complicated and expensive task requiring two visits to a funeral home to manage (150 minutes) is now a straightforward online solution (< 15 minutes), with chat and phone support, that can be leveraged by consumers directly, at a fraction of the cost, and without the upsell pressure of a funeral director.
For more on Cremstar, click here.

While Cremstar addresses the needs of consumers while they’re planning ahead (pre-plan), when their loved one is imminent (pre-need), or when they’ve just passed away (at-need), MemoryBox lets us target these same individuals with a host of aftercare products and services, from real estate and travel to financial services. Each time customers use Cremstar to meet their direct cremation needs, the system automatically generates an online memorial “Memory” of their departed loved one @ MemoryBox. Also available through the Styx Logistics platform.
For more on MemoryBox, click here.

We’ve leveraged the investments we’ve made in our Cremstar online direct cremation service to productize a suite of E-Commerce, Content Management (CMS), and Dispatching (Logistics) software modules and apps available to funeral homes and mortuary transport dispatching services on a SaaS basis. Cremstar is Powered by Styx Logistics. MemoryBox memorialization and Final Spring funeral products are also available through the Styx Logistics platform.
For more on Styx Logistics, click here.

Quality bespoke funeral products made here in America using the latest 3-D printing technologies. Why risk uncertain supply chains coming from China and India when you can make them right here in the United States, individually 3D-printed using high-strength filaments designed to resist the ravages of time. Not only urns but innovative products like customized lithophane night lights featuring a photo of grandpa so he can always watch over baby in his crib, or bespoke hand-sized Scattering Stones, made of biodegradable polymers and seaweed extracts, within which we embed the cremains. Instead of spilling out ashes into a sea breeze at the beach during a scattering, families can skip stones of their lost loved one out into the ocean, knowing they’ll dissolve and disperse their embedded ashes into the water over time … and not blow back all over those attending the ceremony.
For more on Final Spring, click here.